
I’m Imogen, I setup Fig Tree Yarns in 2014, on the South-East Coast of the beautiful Island of Jersey. On a very clear day, we can see the coast of France as we knit and enjoy the yarns. Looking west from the Island, there is nothing between us and New England from where nearly all our yarns are sourced. We are ‘old’ Jersey!
My grandmother taught me to knit, my mother to sew. For several years of my life I was an opera singer and have sat in the wings of many a theatre waiting for my cue, knitting in hand. Later, with a son at university in New England, I was travelling to the USA regularly and picking up gorgeous yarns. When I discovered they were not available this side of the Atlantic, I decided to import them myself.
We began with Swans Island and Green Mountain Spinnery back in 2014, adding Spincycle Yarns in 2015 and a pattern began to emerge…
Fig Tree Yarns studio is housed in my music school and in my other life, I teach singing. My youth choir performs in hand-made silk dresses and wins international competitions – head over to Musical Originals to see them in action.
I love the ethical, the organic, the imaginative and independent. As a business we are always working hard to be more environmentally aware, inclusive and anti-racist. We mail yarn all over the world, but especially to Europe. (As an ex-professional singer, I am pretty competent in French, German and Italian).
We thank every one of you for your support along this knitting journey, from us on the tiny British island of Jersey, and can’t wait for what’s to come! If you’re not already, make sure to follow our Instagram page to keep up to date with our latest yarns and projects.