Sightseeing in South America
Three days in South America seemed as good a time as any to resume a neglected blog.
I know other knitters cope and knit in hot climes, but I just didn’t. The 80% humidity, dearth of air conditioning in all but our hotel room, and the local ice cream parlour and the necessity of spending lots and lots of time keeping my hands busy with huge fans in otherwise delightful evenings in relatives houses, meant that my knitting sat in its bag for almost a week.
We were in Guyana for a family wedding; my husband’s family and a huge family they are too. No knitters amongst them, but then I suppose if you live primarily in the Caribbean, knitties are not such a priority.
I had imagined myself swishing around to dramatic effect at the wedding on the banks of the Essequibo in a glorious knitted wrap. I had my Vasarely in my bag. I mean, the Anzula Milky Way has the same Ph as the human body right?
Wrong. In my bag was where it stayed along with anything else that could be removed whilst still remaining decent. It was all I could do to keep my dress on and prevent myself from jumping into the river to cool off.
Guyana is a fascinating place. Oil has just been discovered off-shore. We met an oil man who gave us the facts. It seemed to me that solar power might be a more future proofed option but what do I know – I’m just a knitter.
On my way home, nursing three mosquito bites, I resumed my knitting under the air conditioning. Bliss.